Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Lab #6

The first map, "Contiguous U.S. Black Population Map" is a simple map constructed of four different classes of population. This map has a North America Lambert Conformal Conic coordinate system. It shows the black population across the contiguous United States. The second map "Population in 2000 in Contiguous United States" is a general population map. This  map has 6 classes of population and has the same coordinate system as the Black Population map. The map "Some Other Race Alone Population" sports a NAD 1983 coordinate system and five classes of population. The race of this map is unknown, however it seems to be Hispanic. The final map "Asian Population in Alaska and Contiguous United States" boasts an Alaska Albert Equal Area Conic coordinate system and has four classes of population. I did not include a direction arrow due to the position the projection placed the data in. This was a very worthwhile exercise, and I can now use the skills learned to produce other population or density maps. I have a much better understanding of how to use ArcMap than I started with, and this serves as a great foundation to continue further projects. GIS is a very useful resource, and I have learned how it can be used (and is used) in many more applications than I previously thought. The world of GIS is absolutely immense. GIS can be a very powerful tool and extremely helpful if used in the right context.

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